On 24.10 the seminar “Moisture control in ice rinks” was held at the department of Civil Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden, where the report series “NERIS – Moisture control in ice rinks” was released.

The project name NERIS is an acronym for Nordicbuilt: Evaluation and Renovation of Ice halls and Swimming halls, and has been led by KTH. Within the NERIS-project, EKA was asked to produce a report in four parts that would address moisture control in ice rinks.
It is necessary to really understand the physics behind it all before making recommendations on how to control moisture in an ice rink in the best possible way.
The produced report series goes through the science behind moisture, how it behaves in ice rinks, the technological solutions that typically have been used in ice rinks to control moisture, and finally gives recommendations on how an ice rink should be designed in order to control moisture levels in a sustainable and energy efficient manner. Moisture is not an uncomplicated phenomenon, and therefore it is necessary to really understand the physics behind it all before making recommendations on how to control moisture in an ice rink in the best possible way.
The project has had access to numerous measurements carried out in ice rinks on the field, which are discussed in the report series in order to illustrate the “actual operating conditions” in facilities of this type. We at EKA would like to express our gratitude to all ice rink operators involved for their cooperation.
Furthermore, we want to thank both KTH and the Swedish Ice Hockey Association for their support in the project including organizing the seminar. Additional thanks go to the Swedish Energy Agency for backing the project financially.
The reports are publicly available in Swedish, with abstracts in English, below.
NERIS - Del 1: Fuktproblematiken i ishallar - en introduktion
NERIS - Del 2: Metoder och energianvändning för avfuktning i ishallar
NERIS - Del 3: Fukttransport i ishallar – mekanismer och fysik
NERIS - Del 4: Fuktsäkra ishallar – konstruktion och dimensionering